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Sheena Easton - Madness, Money & Music


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Artist Roster & Artist Page Links:

Paula Abdul - Greatest Hits  
Sheena Easton - A Private Heaven Gloria Estefan - Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me

Phil COllins - No Jacket Required

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James Brown - Gravity

In Search of James Brown
Award winning producer Paul Ingles ("The Day John Lennon Died") pursues an interview with the Godfather of Soul when the James Brown Revue hits Albuquerque in the Fall of 1999. It's a program of rising hopes and blocked access and meetings with all the people who surround a major star. We won't say whether Paul meets James personally but, in the tradition of "Roger and Me," the trying-to-get-there is most of the fun.  The show works as a tribute to a great artist and an  examination of American celebrity worship. Lots of great James Brown music is used including exclusive clips from the Albuquerque concert itself.  Click here for the page where you can play the feature

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On these artist pages, you can see most of the songs currently playing in our MP3 CoolStreams listed by the CD that they are taken from, or where the artist has been played from in our Programs On-Demand Series'.

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